What's it like living so close to the airport?

Believe it or not, but living close to the airport has its perks. Many of our homeowners here at Sunset Ranch work at the airport, therefore the proximity from work to home is a mere matter or minutes. 

Outside of it being a place of employment for many, Sunset Ranch development runs parallel to the runway, therefore aircrafts take off and land parallel to the community, large commercial aircrafts cannot turn quickly enough to be directly over the property. What about small aircrafts you say? Yes, technically they can turn faster, but small aircrafts are typically not checking out our community, they are heading downtown or over the lake, therefore, you will seldom hear private planes over your home either, the airport is merely a means for take off and landing.

Due to the fact that commercial airplanes can never do a ‘fly over’ the noise from taking off and landing is never an issue. Air traffic noise is much louder in other areas of Kelowna that are further in proximity to the airport, this is because when a commercial aircraft is directly overhead and planes are low for landing or take off, the noise is received below,  being parallel with the runway gives the perfect amount of distance. 

Sure on your deck, you may hear a plane, but it isn’t loud or obtrusive. No need to raise voices, and often even when touring properties you won’t even notice an aircraft in the air. Hearing a plane inside your home is also unlikely. Out of 230+ residents, there have been no negative comments with regards to airport noise, in fact, many residents enjoy watching planes take off and land as a part of their view from their homes. 

If you're concerned about the proximity of the airport to your home, rest assured, this will not be the issue you think it is. Come sit on a deck, watch for an airplane and you will quickly learn there's no quieter community within Kelowna.

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